How Educational Institutions can benefit from using Bulk SMS

Do you rely on email communications to connect with students of your school and their parents? But not every email you have sent is opened by recipients. So, how will you develop a good relationship with students, teachers, and parents? The best alternative is to send bulk SMS to the students and the faculty. Several educational institutions have already invested in bulk text messaging services. Thus, you can streamline the way you operate your educational business.

How does bulk SMS benefit your Educational Institutions?

Your bulk messaging approach will give you significant value in different ways.

  • Advertise the services of your educational institutions

If it is a newly developed school, you want to promote it and spread its name to different students. It is difficult to reach several students with traditional offline marketing. On the contrary, if you have chosen a social platform or television, your campaign will be costlier. Thus, you can start a bulk messaging campaign for your new schools.

  • Send updates about your new policies and upcoming events

If you want to send information to your students about the latest school policies or upcoming events, you can send bulk SMS. You may also deliver SMS about school holidays or parent-teacher meetings. Parents and students will instantly learn about these updates. There is no chance of missing important events.

  • Inform parents about students’ performance

Most parents are highly concerned about the academic performance of their children. But, they have no time to meet and directly interact with teachers. So, the best option for keeping them updated is to send bulk SMS.

Bulk texting enables administrators of educational sectors to send updates to parents every week or month. Thus, parents can learn about the learners’ academic grades, exams, and other relevant details. With a few clicks, you will be able to send your message to parents of several students at a time. 

  • Consider bulk messages for promoting every new admission session

The educational sector has found a high value in bulk SMS services. Most schools promote their educational services at the beginning of the new session. They want more students to get admitted to their schools. That is why running a promotional campaign is highly important. 

So, you can create promotional messages with admission details and send them to students via bulk SMS services. 


  • No communication gap between the school’s faculty/staff and parents

Educational institutions invest in SMS messaging services to interact with parents. The best fact is that SMS allows your school admin to send important reminders about any event. Besides, when you need to send emergency notifications to parents or teachers, bulk messaging is the right choice. For instance, if you need to deliver a message on security issues, campus closures, or weather alerts, you can send SMS in bulk.

  • Act a fee reminder

As parents have a busy life, they often forget to pay school fees for their students. Bulk SMS services will help you remind parents of the monthly fees. Parents will also benefit from this service and avoid late payment charges. A school admin always wants timely payment for its services. So, a minimal investment in bulk messaging solutions will solve your issues. 

Examples of bulk messaging solutions

TXT CONNECT is a Ghana-based bulk messaging platform that lets you send notifications to students. Urgent notifications can also be sent to the target recipients. So, SMS helps you spread your information efficiently. The bulk SMS provider in Ghana benefits you in several ways. You can provide feedback, alerts, OTP, reminders, and other details.

Boy in University

Best practices for sending bulk SMS

You should be concise while creating messages about your school and its services. Do not use complicated jargon, which is not understandable to parents or guardians of students. If you want to send promotional SMS, you should personalize them. It will develop a good relationship between parents and school students. Consistent messaging is also important for maintaining relationships. SMS service is useful no matter whether you need to communicate with parents, students or other staff. You can send weekly or bi-weekly messages to parents to keep them updated about student’s performance.


We have noticed a rapid evolution of bulk SMS. Educational institutions, students, and their parents have embraced the idea of receiving messages via SMS. Students always want to have a good learning environment. At the same time, they prefer schools that have invested in modern technologies. SMS can be sent directly to the parents or students. So, these are some reasons for using bulk SMS services for your school.

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